Golf's identity crisis

Syngenta Golf Day

Can COVID-19 be good for golf? Yes, says one blogger and turfgrass professional, who believes golf is suffering an identity crisis.

Erwin McKone, who blogs as the Turf Doctor in the United States, has written an extensive post in which he argues golf facilities should use the current crisis to reflect and simplify the customer proposition.

Writing on The World of Turf, McKone says, “In the last 15 years, I’ve heard it all… golf is dead, golf is back, golf is dying.

“The truth is, golf has been limping along. 

“What is really interesting about the golf industry is the identity crisis at most facilities. The best facilities are the ones who know what they are and attract their customers solely based on that principle.”

McKone, who has experience as a COO of a private country club, director of golf operations and today works as a playability expert for Turf Ventures LLC, believes simplicity is the key.

“The historic clubs that have stood the test of time seem to have things simple, not more complicated,” he continues. “The ‘simpleness’ is what conveys their awesomeness. They seem to have a very simple and elegant definition about themselves which makes them above judgement or scrutiny.”

McKone introduces his blog by saying, “suffering transforms us more than any other feeling if we do it right. The COVID-19 situation offers us an opportunity to pause in time and really consider our situation and how current reality has come to be.”

To read Erwin McKone’s full post, visit The World of Turf blog: