‘Greener, healthier, cooler Earth’
Cindy Code, Executive Director of nationwide non-profit organisation Project EverGreen, has a mission to bring people together to make a difference in how our “yards, parks and communities can create a greener, healthier, cooler Earth.”
Project EverGreen connects stakeholders and helps widen community access to these areas, improve these settings and promote their value.
Code told Syngenta that Project EverGreen, who work in all urban areas across the USA, also provide solutions to green spaces that are struggling to keep up.
“When green spaces fall into disarray it has a negative domino effect. By improving them, improving accessibility, ensuring sustainability, it gives individuals and communities hope. And we needed hope, joy and connectivity through the pandemic.
“Not only does the game of golf benefit, so too do butterfly habitats, walking paths – people are connected to golf in ways they weren’t in the past.